Sunday, February 28, 2010

Trying New Things

I am happy to report another SNOW DAY - how crazy is that ?!? I brought Taye's table into the living room and tried to get her into coloring and puzzles. There was some success - until she started eating the crayons. I also got her one of those little flip couches. She loves it. Just before I snapped the picture of her with the remote she was sitting back with her head resting and holding the remote - looking like a real couch potato! So cute.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Life with Taye

Today I had a list of things to do. We are going to Trinidad on Wednesday morning so I wanted to get a few things (beach shoes for the one who can now WALK). I left pretty early and we went to Target and to the mall where for the first she went on one of those 25 cent rides (THAT IS Now 75 cents). She was pretty surprised when it started moving, but loved the action. Then I REALLY wanted to get a pedicure, but wasn't sure how the baby would be - but luckily for me she slept the entire time. Perfect. Then a quick trip to Costco to stock up on some stuff for the sleepover. My goddaughter and her to BFF's (cousins) and her little brother (age 5) all came for a sleepover. Anthony asked me when dinner was so I let him help by running water in the pasta pot. Right after dinner at about 7:30 he wanted to know where he was going to be sleeping so I blew up the air mattress and he was out after a few rolls around with Sentayehu. Poor Anthony had to hear the wrath of Taye every time he played with one of her toys. I am not surprised he wanted to check out. I can see she needs some lessons in sharing. She just lets out a scream - OR says, "No, no, no!" and points her finger. Funny, but I guess I have to watch what I do around her because that is totally me! Not the screaming - just the "No-noing with the finger"! Anyway dinner was tri-colored pasta, salad and Costco chicken. I was not sure what the girls were going to say when they saw the colorful pasta, but I guess times are a-changing cause they ate and ate some more - even the salad. After dinner it was groovin' to the Wii tunes (at least for Sentayehu who will take any opportunity to dance). After she went to bed the girls made brownies and we played Sequence. I retired to my room to do a little blogging and they are out there doing what teenage girls will do ..texting each other while all sitting on the same couch, snacking, and playing Wii. They are nice girls and so helpful with the baby. She loves having them around - like big sisters. The girls were talking about how different the condo looks since their last sleepover when I first moved in and had no furniture and make dinner on the George Foreman.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


New York City PUBLIC SCHOOLS CLOSED!!!! I took Sentayehu out for a stroll. She liked it, but didn't want to be out there for a long time. She kept going towards the doors of the buildings (which all look like ours). It was pretty funny. We saw two girls making a mini-snowman and a little dog wearing a coat just like Taye's. She was wiped out looking at her cousin Ren's picture after a nice bath.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Another Milestone

....PASSPORT. Now we can gallavant around the globe as two Americans. What a relief! The money, time and stress it requires to get my little Ethiopian a visa to visit other countries is quite overwhelming.