Sunday, November 7, 2010


Or should I say, Jesus! So, Sentayehu is becoming aware of who Jesus is. The babysitter has a crucifix near the door. As with just about everything Sentayehu sees she asks me, "What's this?" I tell her Jesus. Then we go to church and she hears Jesus' name in the songs. And Taye has a book called, What is Christmas? She just wants to turn to the page where baby Jesus appears on the scene. Then she talks to him saying, "Come, come." She holds out her hands and calls to the baby Jesus and says, "Cute!"

Today at church I taught my class (which consists of just one fabulous student + Sentayehu who is auditing the class) about the three wise men who came to visit Cheese-us bringing gifts. Then we made a crown. Here he is ...


  1. This is awesome. I love that Taye was "auditing" the class- so is she going to take it? Me thinks it is a resounding yes by Mommy Declaration. ;)

  2. So cute... she is going to love what Grandma Z. got her and you for Christmas! Can't wait to see her.... oh and you of course!
