Monday, November 15, 2010

A Little Shopping (Cart)

After picking up Taye we went grocery shopping. It was hard to get her to go into the store because our friend gave her a toy car to ride on and it was in the back seat of the car with her. She really wanted to try it out. I promised her we would do it after shopping - and I "sweetened the pot" by telling her she could push her own shopping cart. She did great for a while, but everything fell apart when she kept abandoning her groceries and running in the opposite direction that we were going. After numerous warnings I had to load her groceries into my cart and put her in there too. It was quite a work-out. I will be sure not to let her push a cart unless we are just picking up a few things. You live and learn.

1 comment:

  1. ...and keep right on loving too ;)
    You're an awesome Mom, ya know that?
